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Seven Steps to Thinking and Focusing Better: Your Brainpower Boost

Most people would like to boost in their overall brainpower and cognitive function. If you are one of the millions of Americans who want to think clearer and faster, your brainpower "boost" might be just a few steps away.

These seven steps might help you in your quest to keep your brain working perfectly fine.

1. Engage yourself in a Regular Exercise

Do simple exercises such as a simple walk around your neighborhood or a light jog in the park. It does not have to be an intense, full-blown workout. You just have to keep your body physically fit and active. Simple workouts may trigger the release of neurochemicals known as endorphins. These chemicals are responsible for making us feel happy. And when we feel happy, the brain is positively affected.

2. Supplement your Diet

Natural supplements such as citicoline, green tea, and even fish oil are believed to have a major effect on brain nourishment. And some products like IQ150 contain a patented ingredient called Cognizin Citicoline which may prevent memory loss and boost mental energy and focus. These supplements help maintain the fitness of your brain; thus resulting in better brainpower! With memory related diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease experiencing double digit growth rates, it's becoming even more important to supplement and protect our most vital organ; our brain.

3. Use your Brain

The old adage still applies today - "If you don't use it, you lose it!" Use your brain muscle more often to think and learn. Just as you would lift weights in the gym to keep your body toned, you need to keep the mind learning new things. Stimulate your mind by doing such things as reading, talking with other people, or even playing educational and puzzle games like Sudoku. In reality, any activity that can keep your brain working effectively can be beneficial.

4. Play Games

Choose games that will definitely have a beneficial effect on your brain. Refrain from playing games that are not challenging or mentally stimulating. There are many challenging games available to be played online or even on a gaming console such as the Nintendo Wii. And if you don't have Internet access, the old time favorites such as Chess, Checkers, and Scrabble are still great options.

5. Enjoy an Educational Hobby

Choose a hobby that will give you some lessons at the end of the activity. This will not be such a difficult task since most of the time, we learn something from our experiences. Just be sure to do things that are not monotonous. Your hobby should be something that will help you learn new things every time you perform it. This way, you will be able to use some parts of your brain that haven't been used before. Studies are showing that this is extremely important to help keep the brain young and sharp.

6. Sleep Well

Sleeping is the time when your body rebuilds and recharges itself. Most professionals believe that you should sleep for at least six to eight hours a day. Aside from these hours, you should also try to take ten-minute power naps. After these refreshing naps, you will feel more energized capable of taking on more activities that day. Do not deprive yourself of sleep. Your brain and body will thank you.

7. Relax

Because we live in a very complex society, we are constantly faced with the everyday stresses of life. Stress not only exhausts our bodies but it also strains our minds. Taking the time to relax and cleanse your mind of the worries and stresses that it faces on a daily basis is very important. You may want to try relaxing at a spa, in a yoga class, or meditating in a quiet room. After a period of relaxation, you will feel mentally and physically prepared to take on another complex, full day!

For more information on IQ-150 for Memory & Focus Improvement, you can read more at Click Here to Read More
For more information on iq-150, visit

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